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Technologies used - React.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, Shadcn UI, Auth0 and many more

Food Ordering Platform, have admin page for restaurant owner and have live tracking of ordered food. Use Auth0 for authorization & authetication, use zod and express validator for validation.

Hotel Book Karo

Technologies used - React.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Cloudinary, React-hook forms and many more.

Projects used Context Api for passing data and React Query for fetching data from backend and have functionalities Signup, Login, Logout, Sorting, Searching and Pagination.

Story Speak

Technologies used - React.js, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, Firebase

A blog app where you can read stories of different genre like horror, scifi, comedy etc, blog have admin where he can control the blog application and only he can post stories for quality stories

Real-time Editor

Technologies used - React.js, Express.js and socket.io for real-time communication.

It is real time editor in which you will invite your friends with a unique room id and can write and edit the text or code with friends

Simon Game

Technologies used - HTML, CSS, JavaScript

It is fun brain practice game, where you have to remember the sequence and click the button according and sequence will increase as you play more


Technologies used - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, EJS, passport for authetication and authorization, cloudinary for saving image.

It is local house booking web application for vacations.